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Traffic law under administrative law

Besides the traffic law under criminal law, there is also traffic law under administrative law. The legislator has chosen to arrange some parts of traffic law under administrative law. Within the traffic law under administrative law the legislator has given a range of competences to the CBR (the Dutch Central Office for Motor Vehicle Driver Testing).

Based on these competences the CBR can take several adminstrative measures, i.e. the investigation of the ability to drive, the EMA-course (on alcohol and traffic) and the EMG-course (on responsible driving). Besides this there is also the repeat offender scheme ex article 123b Road Traffic Act. When someone is convicted for driving under influence twice in five years, the driving license becomes invalid by operation of law.

On this website we will elaborate on the following subjects:

  1. Investigation of the ability to drive
  2. Self-declaration procedure CBR
  3. Repeat offender scheme driving under influence.

When you are faced with CBR-measures, this can have far-reaching consequences. Your driving license can be declared invalid for examples. Traffic law lawyer Bert Kabel is the most experienced lawyer in the field of CBR-procedures in the Netherlands. The past 15 years he has assisted hundreds of people that were faced with measures of the CBR.