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Company law

Attracting customers and keeping them satisfied. This requires a well-oiled machine, which means that financial and legal affairs need to be in order as well. Very often, these aspects are interconnected. To add to this, society is increasingly focused on legal issues and litigation, forcing businesses to examine the legal aspects of their business practices. To preserve rights and establish clear relationships.

Our corporate law specialists’ mission is to support you and take care of the legal issues so that you can concentrate on your business. Your aims and activities determine the form our support takes. When tensions are high, we work as advisors and members of your team to achieve a practical solution. Alongside this, our extensive experience enables us to organise matters properly in advance to prevent tense situations arising.

We advise on and make provision for the internal organisation of your business and relationships between its owners and the external interaction with customers, suppliers and business partners. Our expertise extends to cover both business matters and group relationships.

You can come to us to discuss issues such as structures for joint ventures, legal structures, shareholders’ agreements, management agreements, group structures, impending disputes, expulsion procedures, share sales and purchases, restart scenarios or reorganisations. We also offer advice and support in respect of legal proceedings, whether ongoing or yet to be commenced. Our other services include preparing requests for advice from works councils and providing support to works councils.

Our firm can advise you on all the legal aspects of business including:

  • Takeovers and sales of businesses
  • Company law
  • Joint ventures
  • Franchising
  • Liability of directors, advisors and employees
  • Procedures in the Enterprise Section of the Court of Appeal in Amsterdam
  • Works councils
  • Reorganisations
  • Restarts (including insolvency restarts)
  • Insolvency applications and defences
  • Insolvency law issues
  • Settlement of debts of business or employee
  • Financing and security (including loans, limited partnerships, guarantees, pledges and retention of title)
  • Commercial law
  • Contracts and standard terms and conditions (in Dutch, English and German)
  • Commercial transactions (including international transactions), in Dutch, English and German
  • Disputes between persons involved in a legal entity (shareholders, directors, supervisory board members, creditors, employees etc.)
  • Consumer law for businesses (including websites and call scripts)
  • Attachment and enforcement law
  • Banking law (including the bank’s duty of care)