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Labour law

Avoiding labour conflicts where possible, solving them when necessary

Our attorneys breathe labour law. We have been aiding many employers and employees in labour conflicts. With success!

Agreements and rules between employers and employees

Labour law is about agreements that employers and employees make with each other about the rules that apply in a job. These rules can apply to reorganisations, individual and collective lay-offs, illness, inability to work and Collective Labour Agreements.


The agreements made between employer and employee are agreed upon in the employment contract at the beginning of the employment. Afterwards, both parties rarely look at these anymore, until there is a conflict or differing of opinions. With discharge, illness or reorganisations for example, everyone is put on edge. That is when it shows how important it is to have everything clear on paper. Because if everything is clear, there is less ground for conflicts. Whoever has solid agreements on paper, has the upper hand.

Drawing up the code of conduct

We have aided both employers and employees on various terrains in all kinds of labour conflicts, and are still doing this successfully. Our philosophy however, is that it is better to prevent conflicts, by having agreements written down clearly and carefully. Thus a code of conduct takes shape, signed by both parties, to which they can refer.

Labour law attorneys

Our attorneys have been tried and tested in labour law cases. Therefore more and more companies ask us to check their existing agreements and contracts, and bring them up to date with the current laws and ruling. We also advise our employers to modernise their contracts periodically.

Our work

Our attorneys aid both employers and employees. Here is a selection of our work:

  • Drawing up and judging labour contracts, labour regulations, ending regulations, car regulations, pension regulations and absenteeism regulations
  • Support with the legal track concerning absenteeism
  • Support with the legal track concerning claims of disfunctioning
  • Support with the legal track concerning hindering labour relationships
  • Support with the legal track concerning discharge due to company economical reasons
  • Advice on the build-up of personnel files
  • Advice on applying for changes in the duration of employment
  • Advice on preventing pension gaps
  • Doing procedures in objection or appeal against decisions from implementing institutions
  • Advice and support with accusations of (sexual) intimidation and discrimination, based on for example: sex, age, illness or the length of employment
  • Negotiating the ending of an employment contract
  • Requesting a discharge licence at the UWV and the defence against that
  • Support and advice on immediate discharges
  • Establishing salary claims and the defence against those claims
  • Establishing legal claims for unreasonable discharge and the defence against these claims
  • Support of the discharge of statuary managers and the defence against that
  • Advice on the legal tracks on presumption of fraud and other felonies by an employee or manager
  • Maintaining and corroding of competition and relationship conditions
  • Claiming salary damages on the one who caused the employee’s inability to work
  • Advice for employees council
  • Support for collective discharges and labour law reorganisations, like the harmonising of labour conditions
  • Drawing up and judging legal procedures, like subpoena’s defence forms, preparing and supporting verbal treatments with a judge and appealing
  • Support with and holding procedures to nullify a labour contract
  • Holding and advising on procedures in appeal, like formulating grievances against court rulings
  • Second opinions
  • Mediation and arbitration with labour conflicts
  • Conducting a QuickScan on the legal risks of existing work relationships
  • Conducting a due diligence research on the legal risks of existing work relationships when a takeover of a firm takes place
  • Educating, conducting presentations and realising articles and press messages

Legal scan labour law

Many companies make essential mistakes when entering labour contracts with their employees, due to badly chosen work relationships as well as insufficient use of the organisational flexibilities in labour conditions. Therefore companies hinder themselves unnecessarily because inevitable future reorganisations will not go as smoothly and labour conflicts will have to be bought off or outsourced.

Such latent risks have a negative impact on negotiations about the predestined sale of the company and influence the worth negatively. Another important motive for a legal scan is that there are major changes coming to the labour law sector.

Through a legal scan labour law you as a firm will know where you stand legally.
Read more on our legal scans labour law.

Do not hesitate to contact us for a customised offer.