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Civil traffic liability

Besides Criminal Law and Administrative Law, Traffic Law also has a place in Civil Law. Some rules are of importance for Criminal Traffic Law as well as Civil Traffic Law.

In the ‘Reglement verkeersregels en verkeerstekens (RVV)’ (Dutch Regulations on traffic rules and signs) there are numerous rules to be found that aim to ensure an orderly flow of traffic. Take article 15 RVV for example. At intersections drivers have to yield for drivers approaching from their right.

 If a driver does not yield, he commits a crime on the grounds of article 92 RVV. A driver can be punished for such a crime. This punishment could even be a suspension of the driver’s license for up to two years. That punishment will only be imposed in severe cases.

If a driver does not yield and a collision occurs, this does not only result in a criminal act, but also an unlawful act within Civil Law.

If the driver, to whom should have been yielded, drove too fast, there will be debate on who is liable for the collision. This is an example of civil traffic liability.

Bert Kabel is a lawyer that is specialised in the areas of Civil Traffic Law, Criminal Traffic Law, and Administrative Traffic Law. Especially in cases in which there is an overlap between Civil Traffic Law and Criminal Traffic Law concerning liability it is important to be knowledgeable of both fields of law.